Mississippi Got the Message!
• Imagine being one of nine students out of five hundred, chosen to change history.
• Imagine having such great impact on the “Sovereignty Commission” and the white citizens of Mississippi that the state eventually made a 180 degree turn in its attitude towards its black citizens.
• Imagine what kind of person could be involved in such a thing. Or just read the book!
Come with me on a journey back to March 1961.
The days of uncertainty, fear, and determination are outlined in a day-by-day experience.
Yesteryear was where it started, in terms of remembrances. Today, there is an urgency to redirect the "thinking" to self-understanding, directions, and possibilities!!!!
I am excited about my mission and being a part of this emerging "mindset"!!!
Goal: enlighten "nationally" and direct the re-education close to our roots! We can move forward, but we must look back seeing from where we came; assess where we are on the road to making the trip of full appreciation by taking a part of the process and making it a personal quest and journey!